

Today I went to a room called Giza. It looked something like a pyramid with stairs leading to the top. There was also a chat room that had a cave like setting with a purple polar light. In another chat room there was only a dock that was floating in the water. I have not seen these room shells previously so they must have been recently added. This would probably mean that lively is a new site as new items such as room shells, furniture and other objects are always being added. One chat room I went to called Trapped under ice was a shell of the north pole. The creator of this room had a video screen playing the movie The Thing. She also had a fireplace with wooden stumps and a coffee mug. When you entered the room she would initiate conversation with you and eventually tell you that all her friends have disappeared. I asked her how and where in which she replied in a cave under the ice. I thought she was joking but she brought me over to a flag where there was a hole surrounded by a fence barrier and a skeleton. Upon reaching the hole you can enter the underground cave by pressing control and the down arrow. There was a golden pole that you click on which will bring you down into the cave. In the cave there were more skeletons, creatures, torches, cryochambers, an alter, marble floors and walls. This room was very well thought out and decorated. This is probably one of the best chat rooms that I have been to. I asked how she created the hole in which she replied by pasting a link of an image through gadget options. I tried this but have been unsuccessful to this point.

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